Thursday, March 12, 2009

Coptershow Success!

Today we presented our project as part of the Senior Design Expo for UCI CSE and EE majors. Overall, it went very well! We can't thank everyone who helped us enough, especially Professor Ihler. Although we were bummed that we did not have a working autopilot system to present, we still had a pretty cool proof-of-concept demo using a breadboard. Sadly, we weren't able to get our final hardware working in time (too many bugs to iron out, and not enough time). If only breadboards were super-light and compact... Nonetheless, our demo was pretty cool, and we also had an amazing video (largely thanks to Hieu and iLife '09) showing the progression of our helicopter and a few demos of us getting various portions working. We'll post the full video soon.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

CopterIMU Success!

So we finally were able to communicate with the IMU!

It was quite the magical moment!

A video will be posted soon that demonstrates how we tested the IMU.