Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Meeting with Ihler

Today we met with Professor Ihler. We discussed our design document. He said that it looks okay, but we should be more specific, especially about our projected plans.

Tony the Tiger-Heli Progress

Fantastic news! In fact, it's great! Over the weekend, we each did some individual research. Now, after many hours of collaboration, we've come up with a truly promising-looking draft of our design specification document. It really goes into detail about exactly what our project is, and how we will achieve it. It is definitely major progress, and we feel it is the first major step in an imminent series of major steps. Kudos to all!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Helicopter Trip to Fry's Electronics

We got a helicopter on Friday at Fry's Electronics.

CopterDesign CopterDocument CopterMade!!!

Congrats all! Today we've drafted an initial design document. Hopefully, with a bit of revision we'll have a well-defined plan made soon, and will get on the fast track to developing our project.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Major Progress!!!

So, based on our "extensive" research, we've discovered an accelerometer that we may order. One step closer to being done!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hellocopter World!

Thus far, we have ordered an Outdoor RC Helicopter. It should arrive tomorrow. We chose this particular model based on functionality, size, and price.